Things to Keep in Mind When Starting a Tourism Organization


  1. Location: Does your location meet the needs of the organization you want to start? Can the environment support the enterprise? Who lives in that area? What are their cultural practices like? Will this fit with their beliefs? If not, how can you work with them to make it work while being cognicent of their traditions/practices/culture? What kind of environmental concerns might the area have?
  2. Laws: What are the laws in the area? Does your organization/enterprise meet the legalities of the area?
  3. Target Market: Is there a market for the service/product you are trying to offer in the area? If not, why and can you alter it so it fits better? Do your research into the population of the community and the surrounding communities. Also, is it something that international customers would enjoy?
  4. Sustainability: How sustainable is the product? How can you make it more sustainable for the area?
  5. COVID: In this time of Pandemic, how can you offer the product in a socially-distanced and safe manner?
  6. Finances: Can you afford to start this enterprise? Will it be able to support itself and make profit?
  7. Future: Is this something that will still thrive or will evolve for the future?
  8. Workplace: Can you create a workplace that is efficient, while also an enjoyable and supportive place for your employees and yourself?