Indigenous Perspectives


One of the topics that I have been learning about lately in a few of my Tourism classes is about Indigenous perspectives. I am of Indigenous ancestry, so this is important to me for that reason, but also because this culture and history is an important element of our history as Canadians.

As we have learned, many Indigenous cultures, including our own, have a deep connection and regard for the land. Humans and nature are connected, an               d there are many Indigenous cultural traditions and customs that have to do with the land. Due to this, it is important that we respect the land and all that it gives to us. A few times while growing up, I remember going into nature with elders or others in the community I am from and listening as they taught us about some of the traditional medicines of the land and how when they collected them, they would give an offering of tobacco in gratitude. Just another example of respect and gratitude for what the land gives us.

As I also have learned, European settlers to Canada had many negative impacts on Indigenous Canadians when they came such as bringing sicknesses, taking Indigenous land as their own, forcing Indigenous people to stay on reserves, and taking Indigenous children away from their families to go to residential school to destroy the “Indian in the child”. It is now time to give Indigenous Canadians the respect that was long forgone them and consult with our fellow Canadians for a more united front. Tourism, as we know, is an industry that can encompass the land, and explores culture. It can educate and help people to expand their perspectives if done right. It is important that we consult with one another when establishing Tourism plans to make sure we know about how the land should be treated, and the truth about histories and cultures so that we can spread the authentic message.